FCPXManager detailed capabilities
This page list all capabilities of FCPXManager by version number.
You will need a license for a version at least equal to the one
indicated to use the function.
As the application is just launched, don't worry your license will
for sure cover everything :-) .
Info : Your version of the application (see About Box) will
have 3 digit separated by a dot : major.minor.build
The build are only bug fixes or very small enhancement, minor bring
new capabilities, major will increment after several minor changes
to indicates significant changes since previous major version.
Future Capabilities
You want to know more on future versions or give feedback, see
future capabilities page.
Current Capabilities per Version
V1.2 Capabilities
FCPx XML Analyzer
- Find any missing Motion Template for your project:
- Enable / Disable selected Motion Template if
they are installed
- Find missing Template on your hard drive or
broken paths
- Relink missing templates if they are installed on a different path:
- Either using a special link in your library (no
change in project needed)
- or changing paths in the XML (need to re-import
XML into your project)
V1.0 Capabilities
Enable/Disable Motion Template on disk
- Disable and re-enable when needed any Motion Template:
- Enable / Disable selected Motion Template
- Enable / Disable groups in one shot
- Automatic update of disabled Motion Templates if new version is installed
- Backup old version and replace by new version,
update favorite copy too
- New version will be automatically re-disabled
after update
Create favorite folders
- Create special folder usable in FCPX with a copy of
your proffered templates
- Pickup only the effect you need inside one
existing folder
- Easy access in FCPX of the Fx you use the most
- Automatic update of favorite if original Fx is disabled and uodated
Free Capabilities
Motion Template database
- Add various information to each Fx of your Motion Template library:
- Text notes (searchable)
- Links (Web page, Download page, Files or scripts on your disk)
- Categories (searchable) that can be structure in
sub categories
- Ranking (searchable)
- Filter Fx using complex logic searching information or properties
- Create group of Fx for selection of multiple Fx in one operation
- Generate group from project FCPX XML with all Fx used in a project
- Enable any Fx disabled with Trial version